joi, 28 ianuarie 2010

Sooner or later,everything dies...

"Leaves swirl about the buildings in a brisk fall. They remind me that it must be very frightening to live on a planet where, sooner or later, everything dies..."

...asa a exprimat June Strong, prin gandurile ingerului Jared, personaj al cartii "Project Sunlight", realitatea trista a lumii prin care, inevitabil,trecem fiecare....Intr-adevar, aici totul moare, mai devreme sau mai in "tot" , indemnata de patanii recente, includ si dragostea...chiar si ea moare...

2 comentarii:

  1. Though in this world placed under the curse of sin everything dies, sooner or later, it's such a great blessing to know that God's love lasts forever! As you can't do anything to gain it, you are sure you can't lose it... :)
    >:D< with love, another silent soul...

  2. murim prin fizic, traim prin ceea ce ramane..
